“When should I open my pool?”
Although most people rush to get their pools open in the hours before Memorial Day weekend, this is actually too late for our climate area.  Pools in our climate area should be opened BEFORE mid-May, which it’s a good idea to use Mother’s Day Weekend (NEXT WEEKEND!) as your deadline for when it’s time to open.  The reason why is because you want to get that pool open before the water maintains temps in the 70’s, so it’s time to open as soon as we start to average 60’s during the day, and upper 40’s at night (which sometimes this is even before mid-May, like this year with it being in the 80’s this week!).
If you wait too long, your winter chemicals will fully dissipate and you could open to an ugly (and pricey) mess!

Prevent spring-time pool opening stress and get it open early. You’ll be glad you did– you’ll have less stress in your life when you open to a clean pool!  Another major bonus is you won’t have to deal with the insanity in our stores over the week before Memorial Day AND you’ll be able to swim Memorial Day weekend :-).

SO – the lesson is to open before Mother’s Day.
You and your pool will be so much happier and stress free 🙂

Short tip:  **It’s easier and less costly to prevent pool water issues then clean-up a mess – keep that in mind at all times!**