Our annual “12 Days of Christmas in July” HUGE Sales Event, Pool Clearance, & Hot Tub Tent Sale
We Are Here to Help | 7.12.2018
Our annual “12 Days of Christmas in July” HUGE Sales Event, Pool Clearance, and Hot Tub Tent Sales…going on NOW…July 14-25
If you’re anything like me you can’t wait for Christmas! Valley Pool & Spa knows the pain and is celebrating early! Come celebrate with us during Valley’s Twelve Days of Christmas in July Sale! Starting this weekend for twelve whole festive days!
SAVE up to 50% on HUNDREDS of items!
HUGE SALES on chemicals, maintenance items, equipment, toys, rafts, floats, goggles, lights, fountains, ladders, liners, you name it we have it! There is still plenty of swimming time left so why not enjoy it!

LAST CHANCE POOL SALE! This will be the last sale to get a pool and installed this season! All pools on sale! Free automatic pool cleaners will purchase of pool packages plus $100s off every style and size!
NORTH POLE SPA SALE! Check out the truckload of spas that just came in straight from the North Pole! All Dreammaker and Sunrise spas $1000s off MSRP! Super special pricing on all in-stock models! Want your spa delivered in the next month? Get even MORE money off!

Have you been naughty or nice this summer? Santa and his elves were very thoughtful and dropped off some extra special gifts for all the nice Valley customers this year! Stop in between July 24 to July 25th and spend $100 or more after discounts and before tax to get one of Valley’s Twelves Days of Christmas presents! (one per customer per day of the sale)

On the 1st day of Christmas Valley gave to me (with $100 purchase)…
1st- A L.E.D Light up Swan Raft
2nd- 3 sizes of Brush Around 360 Wall Brushes
3rd- A Scrumptious Pizza Slice Float
4th- Disney Frozen Swim Shorty (Anna or Elsa)
5th- Extra Large USA Swim Ring
6th- Floating Game Station with 2 floating seats
7th- Remote Control Spinner Squirter
8th- Giant Black Swan Raft
9th- Golden Pegasus Adult Ride On Raft
10th- Water Wars Squirt Gun Game and Target
11th- Giant Magical Unicorn Ride On Raft
12th- Pro Series Flex Vac Head w/ EZ Clip
All SIX Valley Pool & Spa stores are participating in this sale so get to a store starting this Saturday July 14th for your chance at AMAZING deals!

Oh yeah… did we mention we will have goodies, raffles, and a chance for you to win free chemicals PLUS a free $10! Check out all the details and coupons at www.valleypoolspa.com
Valley Pool & Spa’s annual “12 Days of Christmas in July” event is July 14-25. Come each day for a NEW free gift with purchase, and of course use this coupon for ANY FREE $10 item with $99 purchase. Plus, check out store-wide deals and more! Oh, did we mention tons of PRIZES and free SNACKS, too?